Attendees: Mike Germain (President), Matt Buss (Treasurer), Mike Hayman, Loralei Kisak, Melody Slaughter, Tiffany Buss, Marla Germain, Melissa Hill, Mr. Avery, Mr. Hinkle (Staff Advisor), Mr. Chase (Staff Advisor), Mr. Clinard (Staff Advisor)Virtual Attendance: Renee Valdez (Secretary), Jeff & Becky Gregory, Heather Winner (Fundraising Chair), Mrs. Dieta (Staff Advisor), Ms. Leachman (Staff Advisor), Mrs. Wolfe (Staff Advisor)

Meeting called to order @ 5:38

Current Business:

Treasurer Report

  • Audit to take place on 24 July 2023 at Germain’s house (Matt Buss, Mike Germain, Loralei Kisak and Marla Germain to audit)
  • Mike will reprint minutes from last meeting to take to bank and change signers on account
  • 21 July 2023, Matt B. (Current Treasurer) and Mike G. (Former Treasurer) will go to bank to change signers

Meet the Tiger

  • On Tuesday, 8 August 2023, 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Tables & Fundraising Forms due 25 July 2023; need to be requested
  • Items for sale at MTT

    • Dinner tickets
    • Cups
    • Popsicles, water, pickles
    • Marla will call Belinda to double check items that are being sold
  • Teachers will sell FFA Shirts 
  • Need a QR Code for booster Band App, a sign up sheet and posters to promote what FFA is
  • Create a one page STP FFA Booster Club Handout with all of our activities and what we support
  • Set up to begin at 4:00 pm (Mike G., Mike H., and Loralei K. will be there to set up

Fundraising Events 

  • Meet the Tiger 8 August 2023
  • Cups

    • Cost $12 per cup; minimum of 25 to be ordered; we can sell for $25-$35 per cup (we will do a poll to determine actual sale cost); decided to have the dark metallic design made for sales this year; Heather will order
  • Dinner/Auction Event
  • Poinsettias

    • Last two years we made about $800 each time
  • Round Rock International Show Concessions
  • Austin Gamblers

    • 25-27 August 2023 we can earn $5 for every ticket sold through our link; we need to send out on Peach Jar and FFA link fundraising app
  • Blackland Bash Concessions

    • 6 January 2024 in Rockdale
    • $1100 profit was made last year

    • Pancake Breakfast at Mas Fajitas
    • RR Express Concessions Nights for next year (24-25 school year)
    • COTA Concessions (24-25 school year)

Dinner/Auction Details

  • 30 September 2023 @ St. Richard’s on 79

    • $500 deposit given; Total Cost $825
  • Schedule

    • Set up at 4:00
    • Open doors at 6:00
    • Dinner at 7:00
    • Auction Events start at 7:30
    • End at 9:00, begin clean up
    • Close out at 10:00
  • Cost $20 pre-sale, $30 at the door for Dinner and soft drink tickets (tea & water already included)
  • After discussion, we will not serve alcohol thus allowing students and teachers to attend
  • Mike G. and Loralei to reach out to potential caterers
  • Entertainment

    • No response yet from Bobby
    • Loralei to reach out to a contact 
  • Potential Events

    • 50/50 Raffle
    • Wine Pull (pick up your wine bottle on the way out; no alcohol will be consumed on premises)
    • Stretch Draw
    • Silent Auction with Tickets
  • Decor

    • STP Floral Design can do decorations; need to let them know ASAP, no later than school start date


  • Reviewed levels that were used during Cajun Fest     


      • Have 1 Title Sponsor for $1,000; they receive front cover advertising & 8 tickets to dinner 
      • $500 Sponsor; ¼ page advertising and 8 tickets to dinner
      • $250 Sponsor; name included on ad; 4 tickets to dinner
      • $100 Sponsor; name included on ad; 2 tickets to dinner

To Do List

  • Heather to create form for Sponsorship and reach out to RR Express & COTA for potential concessions sales
  • Mike G. & Matt B. to work on website
  • Mike G. & Loralei to reach out to potential caterers
  • Renee to fill out fundraiser application and Meet the Tiger; Mike will send link to her; CHANGE TO MARLA TO COMPLETE INFO SINCE MINUTES WERE LATE
  • Poll needs to be created for Board/Membership(?) to vote on food choices and costs once Mike G. and Loralei have presented options
  • Mike G. to add Mike H. to Band App
  • Loralei to reach out to her contacts regarding potential entertainment for the Dinner/Auction
  • Marla to call Belinda about what other items are being sold at MTT
  • Need to provide budget and ideas to STP Floral Dept for decor at Dinner/Auction no later than 15 August 2023

Future Meetings

  • Student FFA Meetings will be held on last Wednesday of each month 
  • FFA Board will have a Zoom meeting on 23 August 2023 for a status check on To Do List
  • Next full STP FFA Booster Club Meeting to be on 30 August 2023 at 6:00 pm

Mike Hayman motioned for meeting to end at 7:14 pm